Our Ann Arbor locations are offering both virtual and in-person sessions for your convenience.

Stay Mindful

Lately, I’ve been applying a Marie Kondo approach to surviving pandemic life. Not in the sense of minimizing and tidying- but utilizing her essential question- “Does this spark joy?” Whereas Kondo recommends asking this question about whether or not to keep or discard...


Ever since my family started their negotiations of what Thanksgiving would look like in this year of ongoing-pandemic-times, I’ve been thinking about the importance- and difficulty- of flexibility. With differing vaccine-statuses due to age- and differing levels of...

Talking To Children About Violence

Tonight, as Ann Arbor Public Schools and other schools across the state have announced they will be closed due to threats of violence, I want to share some thoughts with the parents in our community. We should not have to talk to our children about gun violence....


To All My Fellow Parents:I hope this week finds you healthy and safe. I imagine it has also found you filled with frustration, anxiety, fear, sadness, concern, stress and hopefully- joy and pleasure, too- at times. My week has certainly been an emotional rollercoaster...